Applying for a grant
Determine your eligibility by reviewing the criteria below and by reviewing our Frequently Asked Questions.
If you are eligible to apply, please submit a short proposal letter (1-2 pages) to
If successful, you will be invited by email to complete a full online application process. Please note that we invite selected organizations to complete a full grant applications three times a year (March 1, July 1 and Oct 1).
Eligibility Criteria
Canadian-based registered charitable organizations
Programs that operate in the geographic areas where Sifton Properties Limited has employees (Southwestern Ontario and Mississauga)
Your program:
Addresses socio-economic needs;
Fosters learning, play, and the overall well-being of communities; and/or,
Benefits children, youth and their families, as well as seniors and persons with disabilities.
Organizations where Sifton Properties employees are volunteers will be given special consideration. Preference may be given to smaller, community-based charities that also utilize volunteers.
Please also refer to the eligible and ineligible expenses listed below.
Your proposal letter will be reviewed and you may be invited by email to complete a full online application.
Full applications will be reviewed by our Board of Directors and organizations will be notified of our funding decisions.
Grant Timeline
The Sifton Family Foundation board generally meets three times a year in May, September and December to make granting decisions for the applications received.
Eligible Expenses
The Sifton Family Foundation provides funding for a wide variety of expenses that enhance the overall well-being of the community, encourage learning and literacy, or inspire play and recreation. Examples include but are not limited to:
The launch of a new program, project or initiative;
Provision of a direct service; or,
Purchase new and necessary equipment.
Ineligible Expenses
The Sifton Family Foundation does not make grants to the following projects or organizations:
Individuals and groups without charitable status
Sports and politics
Faith-based worship, instruction, or proselytization
Conferences and seminars
Publications and film/video or documentary projects
Research projects
Travel and tour
Deficit financing
Grant Amounts
The Sifton Family Foundation provides funding up to $25,000 for single year grants, and multi-year grants up to $25,000/year for 5-years maximum.